WARNING: This is an adult blog. Please leave now if you are not of legal age to view adult material.

For the remaining adults - this blog contains photos, stories, and links intended for a special audience. Topics on this blog will deal with extremes of gay sex. Far outside of ordinary, most people will not comprehend the subject matter and some will be repulsed, but the target audience will know why they seek this out and why they need to come back.

I know it is not porn - sorry - but please play to help us win a bet!

Please click on this video to start it playing. A friend has a bet on how many hits it will get in 2 weeks and we need 900 hits by next week. It is very funny, but even if you don't watch just playing it will count as a hit.

Thanks a Million. I'll have to return a favor for you , so just name what you want me to do and I will be all yours. Thanks!!!!!

This video was made by my best friend and his sons. His nephew in his 20's was dating a crazy woman and she became pregnant so now he is stuck having to deal with her for the rest of his life. Poor guy. Crazy as in go off at him while he is at a friends funeral and made him to take a pic of the person in the casket to prove he wasn't cheating on her. Anyway that puts the song in context.

My friend made this, and I mean he wrote the song, drew the animation, played all the instruments to record the song, sang it, and built the video. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy.


Ruffy said...

I guess I'm too late to help?

Sir's Boy said...

you weren't too late. We are about to hit the 2000 mark so we are close.

Thanks all for ckicking.