WARNING: This is an adult blog. Please leave now if you are not of legal age to view adult material.

For the remaining adults - this blog contains photos, stories, and links intended for a special audience. Topics on this blog will deal with extremes of gay sex. Far outside of ordinary, most people will not comprehend the subject matter and some will be repulsed, but the target audience will know why they seek this out and why they need to come back.

Reader Pic 3 Play! Submitted pics from the same reader linked on all 3 blogs!

Wood on the cross? Been there a while and really working up a sweat.
See this sexy model on the other blogs too. Just click Undies or Holes


Anonymous said...

travail a effectuer sur ses coilles trop serres il faut lui faire subir un etirement maximun a son scoptum mais avant on peut lui donner un coups de poingt de facon a les faire montees dans l aine le mec vas geuler c est le but apres lui faire une pression dans l aine pou refaire tomber les testicules dans le sack

Sir's Boy said...

that sounds really hot.